ManyfriendswanttoknowwhatthenewMacBookPro13inchisl Continue readingWhat about the new MacBook Pro 13-inch? Is it worth buying?
Motorola teases a new Edge, to be unveiled on February 24
Forawhilenow,we veheardrumorsaboutMotorolaplanning Continue readingMotorola teases a new Edge, to be unveiled on February 24
Huawei Honor Holly 2 Plus to hit the shelves next week
UnveiledlatelastmonthinIndia,theHuaweiHonorHolly2P Continue readingHuawei Honor Holly 2 Plus to hit the shelves next week
JR: Smartphones shipment to reach 1.2 billion in 2014
AnalystcompanyJuniperResearchestimatesthatglobalsm Continue readingJR: Smartphones shipment to reach 1.2 billion in 2014
Google is developing a location tag of its own
AppleandSamsunglaunchedlocationtags,andnowGoogleis Continue readingGoogle is developing a location tag of its own